Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Business Travellers never demands for a luxury travel

A survey has been done regarding what a business executive demands while travelling, and was found that it wasn’t the luxury extras but the good service and basic efficiency. They want the things that can help in their official work; proper internet connection is their main priority. Now a day’s business professionals want a proper Wi-Fi connectivity so that they can complete their pending tasks before they reach somewhere for their meeting.
According to the survey the business travelers will go for the basic facilities no matter what is the price of Airline Tickets. Proper internet connectivity is the main priority for worldwide business travellers rather than a peaceful room, good transport and central location. Economic pressure has let the business professionals to think more about the basic facilities rather than the luxury requirements. The same is for the hotels they stay in, hotels must have proper internet connectivity rather than the luxury. Corporate companies have started looking more closely into the travelling expenses which has made the business travellers specially in Asia-Pacific to look for Cheap Air Tickets with basic faculties rather than having luxury flight experience and spending too much on the tickets.

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